Monday, February 21, 2011


Everybody is looking for something, right? What is it we're looking for? Some may say, "Love". Others may say, "Money". Others may say, "Fame". And others still will probably say something different.

That is the thing, we all believe we're looking for something different in our lives. Really, we're looking for a purpose to our lives. That's what it is when you boil it right down. Purpose. Dig a little deeper and what you are truly looking for is your SOUL PURPOSE.

Here's the catch, it seems so out of reach, so unattainable, you'll never be able to experience it. The truth is, you're experiencing it all the time. Every moment of every day. There are signs, if only you pay attention. Why do you think all these 21st Century gurus are so popular right now? You know the ones telling you to be aware, live in the moment, create space around you, meditate, FREE YOUR MIND AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW! Right?

They are making money hand over fist because people are so desperate to find their purpose. Truth is, it is within. Only YOU can look within. Sure there are people who mean well and can help. In the end, only you can figure out what your Sweet Dreams are Made of.

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