Twenty-five years ago they spoke out and they broke out
Of recession and oppression and together they toked
And they folked out with guitars around a bonfire ~Smash Mouth
More than 25 years now, but wow what a difference! Back then, people rallied for causes they believed in, peaceful was their intent. Now, some rallies are peaceful, but woe to you if you do not abide those beliefs!
I'm amazed at the hypocritical comments and actions that abound these days. People just don't think before the words come out or the actions take place. Then judgments fly. If you haven't seen a judgment fly by you lately, just take a breath, open your eyes and ears and there will be one nearby.
Don't take this as a rant. It does not come from a place of anger or frustration. Merely an observation. I'm a Virgo, it is what we do, observe. We can be critical too, so I do my best to cushion my comments somewhat.
Yesterday, my mother was commenting on how she felt she was doing a world tour lately, a Polish bakery the day before, a Dutch eatery yesterday. I, looking out at the children across the street playing in a sprinkler said, "And you've come home to a Mexican water park." She looked at me mortified. I looked back and said, "Really, is that a bad thing to say? I'm not being malicious, nor condemning. They are Mexican and they've created their own play area with water." She said, "It isn't nice, that's all."
Please. I get commented on because I'm a woman, a mother, a GIRL. I listen to comments about my gender or role constantly. "Oh she's soft on the kids because she's a woman." (Ask the kids, not true, not harsh on them but not soft either - loving and firm combined). There are plenty more that people have heard that don't need me to repeat them.
I honestly don't even know where I was going with this commentary today but was compelled by the urge to write while listening to the Smash Mouth song. Kind of a strange song but in the end, I guess it does make sense. Stop rushing, stop missing the moment. If you're so busy focused on the past or the future, you might as well be walking on the sun.
This is my place for realizing all of my silent dreams. I heard a quote when I was younger and it never left me, "Once in a lifetime, your silent dreams come true." Every single one of your dreams can come have to create them first!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Today I don’t feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus today I swear I'm not doing anything ~ Bruno Mars
I had a request for another song from a previous blog however this is the one calling to me today. Sometimes it works out that the song brought to mind fits with the way the words want to flow, other times, it requires a bit of a shuffle through the Ipod to get an idea formulating - aka writers block.
Not so today. I'm wide awake and filled with wonderful energy. That being said, I don't want to do anything. I want to do everything and nothing all at the same time.
The weather is in a word glorious. The sky is brilliant blue with just a few translucent clouds here and there, nothing compared to the week and a half prior. The temperature hovers in the seventies with a refreshing breeze tinkling the chimes on the porch.
Speaking of sound, the high school band is practicing for their big march on Memorial Day and we in the neighborhood are getting a preview. They are actually quite good. The dog is certainly enjoying them though he wants to see them. He's running from the front door to the back where he can go out the doggie door to the back yard in desperate hopes to catch those noise makers!
I woke up this morning first around 5 and thought, Oh HELL no!, rolled over and promptly fell back asleep once again. Then about 6 something I opened my eyes and just wanted to be out of bed. Those who know me are dropping their jaws in shock right now. Yes, I did indeed want to leave my lovely place of slumber and no I didn't just move to the couch as I do most days. I got up, cleaned up, dressed and made up for the breakfast networking event I had to get up early for in the first place.
Speaking of bed - Sealy had this great commercial I saw on youtube for their mattresses. It has screen shots of couples in bed, with a satiated, happy look on their faces under the covers. The back ground music is repeating, "Just a little lovin' early in the mornin'". It fades to black with word Springs and a note saying, "For whatever you do in bed - Sealy supports it". LOVED IT!
Surprisingly, I enjoyed myself. I had forgotten how much I liked the social and informational component of these events. I definitely will be attending more. Speaking of which there is another one tonight! Yay!
I taught Tai Chi and Qigong this morning for the Seniors. I love teaching this class. They are just so sweet and wonderful and amaze me all the time with how active and fruitful their lives are after retirement.
My one appointment today canceled which was fine. It left me time to catch up on paperwork and then site back and listen to the lazy song. Not sure how it came to mind exactly.
I believe the train of thought started with the beautiful garden of flowers and plants I have outside. I've loved all the flowers and greens I have in the gardens but not nearly as much as the callas! I found calla lilies at a local store at a great price. One, a white with purple in the center, has green leaves with white spots on them - really funky looking. The other, a deep burgundy - wine colored, just jumped right out at me begging me to add them to my garden. You can see pics of what they look like in the beginning of this post.
I got outside and saw how beautiful the weather was and knew I'd have to take the dog for a walk, that led me back inside to the sound of my phone ringing. Fifteen minutes later, I was definitely distracted. If I had listened to the song I wouldn't have answered the phone. Lunch called. I made a yummy lunch of Golabki (or stuffed cabbage rolls) and then set to answering emails while I ate.
Once I got into answering emails, then I ended up on here. I've thought of a few other activities I enjoy on a Lazy day. I'm thinking I might go through a few of them. Meditating being one of them. And something else that starts with M. I might also catch up on the Oprah shows. I know it is all over as of today. I haven't watched much at all since my children were at home during the entire day. Now I catch it rarely because they are just getting in the door about that time. Priorities - children over Oprah - most days anyway. ;OD
And now, since I'm a girl and Beyoncé has just come on, I guess I RUN THIS MOTHER - and I'm out. Happy Lazy Day to you!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere ~ Adele
Now this here song has a far different meaning than what I'm about to discuss in this here blog, chillin's! (Yeah, not sure why the crazy old country coot accent but the fingers went there.) I just found it to be the three perfect words.
Last October, I bought the family business. The family being my father and step-mother's dance hall. They opened this place about six years ago as of this past Saturday. It was a place for my step-mother to do her line dance lessons (which she got into after years of working construction, yes, I know what I wrote) as well as offer her a place to cook for the multitudes which she loved to do. Sunday dinners at my parents could feed an army or at least fifty people with leftovers. My father, once a professional radio DJ, would play the music for all the events. They had traveled around the state for many years doing mobile entertainment but finally decided to settle down in their own place.
My step mother died, three years ago this June. My father retired shortly after she died or before, I can't remember. All I know was that he'd spent years working 12-15 hour days to support this business. I thought it was because my step mother spent a lot of money (which was true) but I'm learning it was far more than that.
Last year and for some time before his final decision, my father had decided he wanted out. It wasn't his thing. He'd been withdrawing more and more. Politics keep him quite busy in town as well. He started mentioning back in July of last year that he was looking at the possibility of selling. It went in one ear and out the other.
Lets see, in July of last year, I was back in school...again. The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, for a certification in Health Coaching/Counseling. I had three children I was taxiing back and forth to camp and my own business of holistic health that I was involved in. Plus some other stuff I'm sure but these are the major ones that stick out.
Then August comes with our family vacation with my mother-in-law to Washington, D.C. where my husband has to have emergency surgery (not major, just same-day but needed to be done) at a hospital far from home. Not the best of vacations I can attest to but glad I was there to take care of him.
End of August comes and finds me and Dad sitting on my front porch. He says, "I'm selling the hall." I say, "Oh, do you have a buyer?" He says, "No, not yet." I sit for a moment, then say, "What about me?"
Yeah, what about me?! Ugh. I called my husband, he was all for it. Thought it was a great idea and opportunity. I talked with a friend who became an investor because she thought it was an amazing opportunity. Everything seemed to fall into place. And it did. I purchased it the end of September.
Then the shit hit the fan. I went to my niece's birthday party (a fitness lap dance party - yeah, this is my family remember!) then next door to the bar with a couple friends and my niece who's birthday it was, my other niece and my sister (my step-mother's daughter). The birthday girl decides to leave. The older niece gets drunk and proceeds to lay into me about purchasing the hall as if I had no right to do so. "Why didn't grandpa ask mom or anyone else?" Me: "Um, he did. It was no secret he was selling and they had opportunity to purchase." (She then went later on to call my father and have it out with him over his choice of buyers for the hall and he gave it right back which surprised me) Her: "I want a better relationship with you." Me: Nothings stopping you." (Haven't heard from her since)
Then she opened her mouth to begin to say something and I knew exactly what she was going to say..."Do you remember back when I was little and you were pregnant-" I stopped her right here. I knew. I couldn't believe she was talking about this. She was bringing up a conversation I had with my father FOURTEEN YEARS AGO!! When I was pregnant with my first child. I was desperate for some sign from my father that I was special. I certainly felt the other children were. Thus the bane of a child who doesn't live with her father. I said something to him that came out wrong. Little did I know he'd tell my sister who would become DEEPLY offended by it. Which I attempted to explain had really nothing to do with her. I'm pretty sure that solidified the rift between my step-sister and myself.
But here, fourteen years later, my niece who was not even there and was a little girl at the time, brings it up to me while she is drunk. I was livid. I went off on her and was disgusted with the situation. For her to bring it up meant my sister must have told her and told her recently. It must have had something to do with me purchasing the business. Me being my father's daughter and they weren't or something to that effect. Who knows the truth? I just realized that my sister is manipulative and not real. I haven't had much to do with her since. Same with that niece. I'm okay with this.
Moving on.
October, November and December were wonderful. I was in the RED with a brand new business!! I couldn't believe it! I shouldn't have.
January came with the storms. We were open a total of six days. Now I was in the black (in the hole and it was getting bigger and bigger). February came, not much better but a little bit more. My health wasn't spectacular but I got by.
March comes and the shit hits the fan. The business is doing well with bookings (hall rentals) but I get the kidney stones, hit by the car and just plain worn out. April starts to get better but I'm not able to work in my holistic health business much (no massages due to a sprained L4 disk) and money is tight.
Now here's May and the business is slow again. Thank God I can massage again to make some extra money! But it has me wondering if I'm just chasing pavements. Am I going to make money off this business or am I going to be working my ass off to make it work like it appears my father did? I don't think I realized this until now while I'm writing. He worked full-time and then some basically to afford having this business. I'm not sure how I go about making it flush.
I suppose I should add a codifier to this by stating today is a miserable rainy Monday after a somewhat lackluster weekend. Next weekend could be better. I have an opportunity to create a teen dance place but it will take some work. I'm thinking this should what I do asap to bring some money in.
I'm behind in my lease payments by a month. Not too bad but still. I don't know what I want at this moment. I keep thinking how nice it would to have my own office for massage and health coaching. How do I go about doing this? I don't know.
Oh, by the way, I just graduated from IIN and am now officially a certified health coach. I should be focusing on this because it will bring in a steady income, but I'm busy with the other business. How do I balance it all?
So this leads me to calling the doctor about getting back on Strattera for my ADHD. The new doctor I go to refused and then in a sickeningly sweet (this patient must be so insane) voice, the nurse informed me I need to see a mental health doctor. GREAT! Ah well. I guess I know who I'm calling today. ;O)
I'm in need of an assistant. This is totally what I need. I think I'll have to chase some pavements in this direction for a little while (if only in my mind)
Happy Monday
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere ~ Adele
Now this here song has a far different meaning than what I'm about to discuss in this here blog, chillin's! (Yeah, not sure why the crazy old country coot accent but the fingers went there.) I just found it to be the three perfect words.
Last October, I bought the family business. The family being my father and step-mother's dance hall. They opened this place about six years ago as of this past Saturday. It was a place for my step-mother to do her line dance lessons (which she got into after years of working construction, yes, I know what I wrote) as well as offer her a place to cook for the multitudes which she loved to do. Sunday dinners at my parents could feed an army or at least fifty people with leftovers. My father, once a professional radio DJ, would play the music for all the events. They had traveled around the state for many years doing mobile entertainment but finally decided to settle down in their own place.
My step mother died, three years ago this June. My father retired shortly after she died or before, I can't remember. All I know was that he'd spent years working 12-15 hour days to support this business. I thought it was because my step mother spent a lot of money (which was true) but I'm learning it was far more than that.
Last year and for some time before his final decision, my father had decided he wanted out. It wasn't his thing. He'd been withdrawing more and more. Politics keep him quite busy in town as well. He started mentioning back in July of last year that he was looking at the possibility of selling. It went in one ear and out the other.
Lets see, in July of last year, I was back in school...again. The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, for a certification in Health Coaching/Counseling. I had three children I was taxiing back and forth to camp and my own business of holistic health that I was involved in. Plus some other stuff I'm sure but these are the major ones that stick out.
Then August comes with our family vacation with my mother-in-law to Washington, D.C. where my husband has to have emergency surgery (not major, just same-day but needed to be done) at a hospital far from home. Not the best of vacations I can attest to but glad I was there to take care of him.
End of August comes and finds me and Dad sitting on my front porch. He says, "I'm selling the hall." I say, "Oh, do you have a buyer?" He says, "No, not yet." I sit for a moment, then say, "What about me?"
Yeah, what about me?! Ugh. I called my husband, he was all for it. Thought it was a great idea and opportunity. I talked with a friend who became an investor because she thought it was an amazing opportunity. Everything seemed to fall into place. And it did. I purchased it the end of September.
Then the shit hit the fan. I went to my niece's birthday party (a fitness lap dance party - yeah, this is my family remember!) then next door to the bar with a couple friends and my niece who's birthday it was, my other niece and my sister (my step-mother's daughter). The birthday girl decides to leave. The older niece gets drunk and proceeds to lay into me about purchasing the hall as if I had no right to do so. "Why didn't grandpa ask mom or anyone else?" Me: "Um, he did. It was no secret he was selling and they had opportunity to purchase." (She then went later on to call my father and have it out with him over his choice of buyers for the hall and he gave it right back which surprised me) Her: "I want a better relationship with you." Me: Nothings stopping you." (Haven't heard from her since)
Then she opened her mouth to begin to say something and I knew exactly what she was going to say..."Do you remember back when I was little and you were pregnant-" I stopped her right here. I knew. I couldn't believe she was talking about this. She was bringing up a conversation I had with my father FOURTEEN YEARS AGO!! When I was pregnant with my first child. I was desperate for some sign from my father that I was special. I certainly felt the other children were. Thus the bane of a child who doesn't live with her father. I said something to him that came out wrong. Little did I know he'd tell my sister who would become DEEPLY offended by it. Which I attempted to explain had really nothing to do with her. I'm pretty sure that solidified the rift between my step-sister and myself.
But here, fourteen years later, my niece who was not even there and was a little girl at the time, brings it up to me while she is drunk. I was livid. I went off on her and was disgusted with the situation. For her to bring it up meant my sister must have told her and told her recently. It must have had something to do with me purchasing the business. Me being my father's daughter and they weren't or something to that effect. Who knows the truth? I just realized that my sister is manipulative and not real. I haven't had much to do with her since. Same with that niece. I'm okay with this.
Moving on.
October, November and December were wonderful. I was in the RED with a brand new business!! I couldn't believe it! I shouldn't have.
January came with the storms. We were open a total of six days. Now I was in the black (in the hole and it was getting bigger and bigger). February came, not much better but a little bit more. My health wasn't spectacular but I got by.
March comes and the shit hits the fan. The business is doing well with bookings (hall rentals) but I get the kidney stones, hit by the car and just plain worn out. April starts to get better but I'm not able to work in my holistic health business much (no massages due to a sprained L4 disk) and money is tight.
Now here's May and the business is slow again. Thank God I can massage again to make some extra money! But it has me wondering if I'm just chasing pavements. Am I going to make money off this business or am I going to be working my ass off to make it work like it appears my father did? I don't think I realized this until now while I'm writing. He worked full-time and then some basically to afford having this business. I'm not sure how I go about making it flush.
I suppose I should add a codifier to this by stating today is a miserable rainy Monday after a somewhat lackluster weekend. Next weekend could be better. I have an opportunity to create a teen dance place but it will take some work. I'm thinking this should what I do asap to bring some money in.
I'm behind in my lease payments by a month. Not too bad but still. I don't know what I want at this moment. I keep thinking how nice it would to have my own office for massage and health coaching. How do I go about doing this? I don't know.
Oh, by the way, I just graduated from IIN and am now officially a certified health coach. I should be focusing on this because it will bring in a steady income, but I'm busy with the other business. How do I balance it all?
So this leads me to calling the doctor about getting back on Strattera for my ADHD. The new doctor I go to refused and then in a sickeningly sweet (this patient must be so insane) voice, the nurse informed me I need to see a mental health doctor. GREAT! Ah well. I guess I know who I'm calling today. ;O)
I'm in need of an assistant. This is totally what I need. I think I'll have to chase some pavements in this direction for a little while (if only in my mind)
Happy Monday
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